
Air Canada customer support contacts-phone number, live chat, calling, email

Air Canada customer support contacts

1 (888) 247-2262

Sometimes, there arise problems that will need you to contact customer support. 

For Air Canada, there are distinct methods of reaching their customer support in good time.

Though there have been tendencies of taking long to reply over the past, the majority who contact customer support have been served well. 

We have different channels of communication which include phone numbers, live chat, and email. And if the three might help a great deal to resolve your issue. 

Air Canada customer support contacts-Air Canada phone number

Since there are so many issues that need to be handled for different customers, the numbers have been allocated separately.

You might get a different number depending on where you are or the type of issue you are encountering at that particular time. 

We have compiled a full directory of the numbers and which areas or purposes they serve.



Air Canada booking phone numbers

The following are the main numbers you can call for a quick response.

  • 1 (888) 247-2262
  • 1-888-974-0292

The two numbers are on 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. 

Air Canada booking number-U.S.A and U.K

If you are in the United States or the United Kingdom, you have not been left out. You can easily make a booking or reservation over the phone.

We have separate numbers for each of the two countries. There are multiple customer service agents who will serve you at any time you call.

Since the queue is always long and there are many people waiting to book their flights, you might find yourself waiting for a little bit longer than you expected.

To help you with this problem, we have sampled a few numbers that usually have the quickest response. 

It is important to note that each number serves a different booking issue as specified.

The following table summarizes the numbers you can call on to be served quickly on air Canada customer service according to the flight you want to book.

Canada1-888-247-2262-booking and reservations1-514-393-3333-booking and reservations1-800-361-8071-hearing impaired reservations
USA1-888-247-2262-booking and reservations1-888-689-for luggage issues
UK00 800 669 9222200 800 669 92222
air Canada phone numbers

There is always customer support for every passenger and you can call anytime to be helped. Apart from booking, you can also raise complaints and queries on the numbers offered above.

Air Canada booking contact-By area

Air Canada spreads its services all over the world. Every customer who needs to book a flight via the phone is taken care of and there is always a way they can reach air Canada customer service. 

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To help access customer support, Air Canada has assigned different contacts for areas all over the world.

The following is the most updated list of the air Canada flight booking numbers by area;

  • Phillipines- +6 328 737 9710
  • Brazil- +55 113 254 6630
  • Qatar- +1 514 393 3333
  • South Africa- +2 711 463 1147
  • Australia- +61 180 095 4196
  • Puerto Rico- (877) 321-0173
  • Australia- +61 180 095 4196
  • Thailand- +662 718 1839
  • UAE- +9 714 211 2537
  • Chile- +5 680 040 0142
  • New Zealand- +6 450 874 7767
  • Singapore- +656 238 8112
  • India- +91 114 717 2900
  • Hong Kong- +85 280 090 6519
  • Russia- +7 495 771 6471
  • South Korea- +8 223 788 0100
  • Dominican republic- (888) 760-0020 

If you have additional queries or issues that would need complex resolving, you will need to speak to an agent live. 

Using the IVR menu, you can find a live agent to speak to in order to resolve your issues. 

The following is a simple step-by-step guide to help you through the process;

Time needed: 10 minutes

  1. Call 1-888-247-2262 or 1-888-974-0292 for a fast response

  2. Press 1 to access flight cancellation options

  3. Press 3 for all inquiries about  internal Canadian requirements

  4. For help booking a seat or special reservation within the next 48hours, press 4

  5. For all the arrivals and departures, press 5

  6. For new bookings and promo codes, press 6

  7. For air Canada credit and companion pass, press 7

  8. Press # to listen again

Booking problems and accessibility issues

When booking your flight, you might encounter some issues including when using alternative methods.

In case of such issues, it is best to reach customer service to resolve the issues as soon as you can.

There are separate numbers depending on your issues. The following are the best numbers to call in case of an issue with booking and reservations. 

Booking and reservation issues888-247-2262
Website accessibility issues(844) 347-4268
Password problems(866) 689-8080
Damaged or lost baggage(888) 689-2247
air Canada support contacts

Air Canada phone number to skip waiting 

  • 1-888-247-2262-Booking and reservations
  • 1 888 689-BAGS

Reaching the air Canada support team via phone could be tiring sometimes. 

Since there are many people waiting to be served in the same line, you might end up waiting for a very long time. 

However, when you call specific numbers, you might just be able to skip the long way and be served in good time.  

Best responsive Air Canada contact lines

  • 1-888-422-7533 
  • 514-393-3333
  • 844-202-2334 

The three are the most responsive contacts for Canada and the United States. They have quick responses from the customer service team. 

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However, they would still have a little bit of a delay if you call at certain times. This is the time when you will have quick assistance. 

It is best to call any of those numbers from 8.30 A.M. That way, you are likely to skip the long wait that is usually there during the other times. 

Issues that are handled by air Canada support personnel via the phone 

  • Checking flight status
  • Inquiries about air Canada and their loyalty program(altitude)
  • Help with booking on the website 
  • Lost baggage
  • Changing reservation
  • Canceling your ticket
  • Reporting fraud 
  • Purchasing airfares 

Air Canada Email

Some issues cannot be resolved over the phone.

 This might include situations where you need to provide some documents or scans of photos or any other issues that need alternative verification.

In such situations, you might need to have extra communications via email. 

Air Canada has its official email where you can send them emails at any time. The email will then be responded to in due time. 

The official email used by air Canada to respond to customer issues is [email protected]  it takes some time to reply but they usually get back to customers in good time.

The contact email servers any air Canada customer regardless of where you are from and the service you want. 

Air Canada Live chat contact

air Canada customer service

If you’re not a big fan of phone calls and emails, there’s a better option for you. You can now use the live chat option. 

You will get in touch with the automated virtual bot chat and your issues can be partly resolved. All your queries can be answered as well.

Where the chat option is insufficient, the further direction will be given accordingly. 

The live chat option is available on the air Canada official website. There is a live chat pop-up at the bottom where you can click to access live chat.

Air Canada customer support-FAQs

Does Air Canada have a live chat?

yes. Air Canada has a live chat on their website. since it is automated, you do not need to enter your details such as your name. you can get some help there. Where it gets insufficient, there will be further directions on how to tackle the issue or which department to contact for help. The live chat is up 24/7.

How do I get in touch with Air Canada?

You can get in touch with Air Canada by calling them.
The following are the main numbers you can call for a quick response.
1 (888) 247-2262
alternatively, you can also write them an email or visit their website for more information.

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Does Air Canada have 24-hour customer service?

Air Canada customer service usually operates within the following timelines. Monday to Friday: 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. However, for queries, calls, and emails, there is 24/7 support provided via the specified contacts and channels provided on their official website.

Can I reschedule my Air Canada flight?

yes. You can always reschedule your Air Canada flight. The only condition is that you will have to pay the required charges to reschedule the flight. However, if you happen to make the changes within the first 24 hours of your flight date, you will not have to pay any charges. the flight type does not matter.

Can you email Air Canada?

there is no specific email allocated to customers for purposes of dealing with flight issues by air Canada. However, the most commonly used email by air Canada is [email protected]. The most common way for sending an email to air Canada is through the contact form provided on their official website. Here, you will select your issue and select the issue you want to be addressed from the available list when submitting your details.

Where is the Air Canada call Centre located?

The main contact center for air Canada is located in Toronto, Canada. They offer exemplary services for their flight customers all over the world. You can always contact them online through the contact information provided on their website.

How can I change my flight date for free?

There are several exceptions for charged flight adjustments for air Canada. you can do any of the following;
apply for change within 24 hours,
apply for change 60 days ahead of time.
Buy flexible fares
Change for a flight on the same day if possible
Look for any schedule changes
contact air Canada to plead your case.

Can nonrefundable tickets be rescheduled?

Yes. You can always reschedule your non-refundable ticket at any time within the limit given. The main condition given is that you should reschedule the ticket within a year before the official issue date. The value of the ticket is always retained and it is possible to reschedule your ticket.

How much does it cost to change a flight in 2021?

it would normally cost around $100 per person for travel within the U.S., Caribbean, Mexico, or Central America. However, for all the other fares,  $200, is the cost. There is also a $75 same-day change fee. 

How long does it take for Air Canada to reply to email?

Air Canada will always get back to you within two business days, If you follow the main guideline; Always include Air Canada in the subject of your email. This means that you might not receive the reply early enough if you do not include that in your subject line.

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